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DataJack No Contract 3G Service FAQ

DataJack's $49.99/mo 3G Service from 5Gstore

5Gstore has partnered with DataJack to offer 3G mobile broadband service with NO contract, credit check, or cancellation fees! DataJack is perfect for travelers, backup usage, folks who don't want to sign a contract or give their personal information...and for anyone wanting to save money on their 3G bill!

The below frequently asked questions will answer most questions about this service. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help!

How do I know if DataJack has coverage where I need it?
DataJack's nationwide coverage is very good - comparable to Sprint and Verizon. You can check coverage by zip code at

What are the differences between DataJack's service and Sprint's or Verizon's 3G service?
  • No contract - DataJack’s service doesn't require a contract; you can cancel at any time.
  • No credit check - all you need to get set up is your name, address, and credit card info!
  • No activation fee - Verizon and Sprint charge an activation fee to set up your service.
  • No cancellation fee - since there’s no contract, you can cancel any time without paying an early termination fee!
  • No taxes for MOST customers (customers in Illinois may be subject to sales tax on the initial purchase; customers in Texas may be subject to sales tax on the monthly service)

How much will I save by using DataJack’s 3G service vs having a Verizon or Sprint contract?
DataJack vs 2-year Contract
Activation Fee
35 (VZW)
36 (Sprint)
Monthly Fee
Total savings over 2 years: 275!!!

DataJack vs 2-year Contract and Canceling After 1 Year
Activation Fee
35 (VZW)
36 (Sprint)
Monthly Fee
Early Termination Fee
115 (VZW)
120 (Sprint)
Total savings over 1 year: 265 (Verizon) or 266 (Sprint)!!!

The above savings are based on the Datajack 5GB $49.99/mo plan - other plan options are available, too.

Is the service unlimited?
No. Datajack gives you four options to choose from (choose from 200MB for $9.99/mo, 500MB for $19.99/mo, 1GB for $29.99/mo, or 5GB for $49.99/mo), with $0.03/mb overage charges thereafter (overages apply only if you're set up with recurring billing and exceed your allowance - if you've only paid for one month, your service will simply stop working when you reach your allowance). For most users, 5GB is plenty of data - if your primary web habits include surfing the web, emailing, and occasionally watching a YouTube video, it is very unlikely that you will ever come close to using 5GB. For more information on what you can do with 5GB, see Datajack also offers three other service options: 200MB for $9.99/mo, 500MB for $19.99/mo, and 1GB for $29.99/mo.

Can I check my usage online?
YES. You can set up an account on DataJack's website and check your usage throughout the month (you can also call them 24/7 to hear your usage details over the phone). Additionally, DataJack sends out email notifications throughout the month to notify you when you are nearing your limit!

Can I cancel my service at any time?
Absolutely! Since there is NO contract with this service, you can cancel at any time and not have to pay any cancellation fees. Keep in mind that DataJack does not refund prepaid service, so you should plan to cancel at the end of the month you've already paid for (i.e. if you pay for a new month on Monday and decide to cancel on Wednesday, you will not receive a refund for the monthly fee you just paid).

If you cancel your service, you do NOT need to return the USB modem or MiFi (it is yours to keep).

Are the DataJack USB modem and DataJack MiFi 2200 covered by a warranty?
YES. Software or hardware-related issues with the modem are covered for 90 days from the date of purchase.

What happens if I break/lose the device? Is insurance available?
No insurance is available for these devices. If you break or lose your device, you’ll have to replace it.

Who do I call if I have a question or need help with my device?
Simply call 5Gstore at 833-5GSTORE X3 for any assistance you may need! Click here to read more about 5Gstore’s esteemed technical support.

Who do I pay for the service, and how will I be billed?
Your first month of service is INCLUDED when you purchase the DataJack USB modem and DataJack MiFi 2200. After that, you can pay for the service online at DataJack's website or by calling DataJack (toll-free number, 24/7 customer service) with any major credit card (and you can also choose to set up monthly recurring billing!).

How do I activate my device once I receive it?
When you order your DataJack USB modem or DataJack MiFi 2200, you can choose whether you'd like 5Gstore to activate it before we ship it or if you'd like to wait and call us when you receive the device. If you opt for us to activate before shipping, we will set up and activate your service for you so that it will be up and running and ready to use when you receive it. If you choose to wait, you'll simply need to call 5Gstore during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm CST) when you're ready to activate.

Your USB modem or MiFi will come with a tipsheet to help you get up and running, and if you have any trouble you can always contact 5Gstore for assistance!

What is the return policy?
DataJack devices have a 15-day return period (beginning the day your order ships), and we can ONLY accept returns if you have used LESS THAN 100mb of data. If you have used less than 100mb, you are eligible for a refund for the device and the first month of service, less the standard 20% restocking fee. Datajack devices are non-returnable if you have used more than 100MB of data. You can read all the details of our return policy at

After the return policy has ended, you may of course cancel your service at any time, but you will not be able to return the USB modem or MiFi or get a refund on the service you've already paid for.

Are there any other fees or charges?
There are no hidden fees! However, customers in Illinois may be subject to sales tax on the initial purchase; customers in Texas may be subject to sales tax on the monthly service.

What happens if 4G comes to my area?
Since you are not under contract for this service, if 4G service becomes available and you want to switch, you can simply cancel your service. Before ordering, check 3Gstore’s coverage maps in case 4G is already available in your area.